Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween Is Coming

I love all things Halloween.  I love the decorations, the jewelry and the atmosphere.
I can remember the old paper cut-out decorations at my house as a kid - I hope my mom still has those, I want them! Especially the big cat one! Similar to these.....
I would like to collect vintage Halloween stuff, but have you seen the prices in the antique shops?! can't afford that hobby.
Sad to say I am not much of a decorator anymore. Where I live now there are no trick-or-treaters.  Heck, we don't even have streetlights or sidewalks.

I found this really cool necklace I thought was quite unique that would be great for a Halloween party - 
And here's a great charm bracelet - 
Bats are great year round - 
Earlier this year I got a permanent Halloween decoration on my arm :)
I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween and eats a bunch of candy!