Saturday, July 7, 2012

New Ideas

I woke up early this morning with a new idea about how to use my old foreign coins in a jewelry setting. After learning about home made patinas last week, I thought I knew what I wanted to do, but I must have had a dream revelation or something.  I searched my material websites and found what I needed. Now I must wait for the package in the mail.
I did more organizing of my coins -boy do I have a lot! I remember my dad giving me these old coins when I was little and have held on to them ever since. I have coins from all over the world and many are pre-1950.  I won't be changing the patina of the coin itself, but have an idea of how to showcase the coin without changing it. Except for drilling a hole in it, of course. ;)


  1. Looking forward to seeing your coin jewelry. It's always nice when you can make a dream come true.

    1. I got my package in the mail yesterday, so I am planning on playing with the patinas this weekend!
